Directorate General of Medical Service

19th October, 2024



Training is a continuous process in the Army. To keep abreast with the latest advancement of medical sciences and to earn knowledge and expertise, member of the Army Medical Corps, Army Dental Corps are trained at home and abroad. With this end in view, various training institute of the Army Medical Corps like Armed Forces Medical Institute, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Combined Military Hospitals and Army Medical Corps Center & School are imparting theoretical and practical training simultaneously to the doctors, nurses and paramedics. At present Armed Forces Medical Institute conducts and coordinates a good number of post-graduate and diploma courses for the doctors and paramedics. Doctors are also sent abroad for receiving training in different subjects under arrangement of this Directorate General.

Forecast of Trg/Course-AMC/ADC Officers

SlName of CourseDurationAsked / Receive Dt & placeSpecial Opinion
1.Medical officers Basic Course – Army Medical &Dental Corps Officers05 Wks at AFMI
2.Grading Course Various Specialty/ Dentistry02 yrs (112 Yr Course & 06 Months OJT)Application asked by 31 May every yr (Prep Note Sheet).(i) Application fwd to DGMS by 01 Aug every yr.
(ii) Entrance exam at AFMI/ CMHS by 01 Oct and viva exam at DGMS by Nov each yr.
3.FCPS part-I, part-II, MCPS & FCGP at own arng Application receive from units by 31 Mar and 30 Sep each yr
4.MPH Course (Army Medical Corps Officers)(PH/HM/Epid/RCH)02 YrWritten & Viva exam by May each year
5.Grant of Classifications – Specialist Officers Application receive from units up to 01 Mar each yr
6.M Phil (HHM) Course02 YrsSelection is to be completed by May each year.
7.MS / MD Course(Sub-specialty) Name asked from units as reqr of Con Surg Gen or Con Phy Gen.

Forecast of Trg/Course-AMC/ADC Officers

SlName of CourseDurationAsked / Receive Dt & placeSpecial Opinion
1.MPH Course(Armed Forces Nursing Service) (HP & HE)01 YrPanel is asked by Feb each yr. Selection is to be completed by May each year.
2.BSc Nursing Course02 YrsReceive from Nursing College, Mohakhali, by May each year.